Can I manage statutory compliances in leysha.

Yes, EPF, ESIC and PT can be managed in leysha. It can be defined one time in leysha and can be considered at the time of processing payroll. Different reports can also be exported.
Go to configuration, Click on employee and select EPF or ESIC for defining rules and save it for applying it on employee’s salary

Our organization has multiple shifts and we keep shuffling employees accordingly. How can I manage it with Leysha?

In leysha there is an option to create as many shifts as the admin wants as per their requirement and then shifts can be assigned to employees manually. Whenever it is required to change shift of an employee, the reporting manager or admin can edit and select a new shift out of the list.
Go to the configuration section. Click on employees and select shit. Add a new shift. Fill the details like Shift name, Minimum working hour, grace time etc and save the shift.

Can I generate payslip with leysha software?

Payslip can be generated on request of an employee or it can also be automated on payroll generation. Employees will automatically get payslip on their email id at the time of payroll generation. Payroll has the company’s logo and other details as a header.

I have different earning and deductions heads , they are not standard one. How can I manage it in leysha?

Admin can create various earning and deduction heads as required according to company policy. Few heads are predefined and customized heads can be created later according to the needs of the company.
Go to the configuration section. Click on employee and then salary. Select the type of head you want to create i.e. earning or deduction. Give the title to head. Mark the nature of the head with fixed or percentage and save it.

How payroll is linked to attendance.

Most important element for calculating payroll is the number of days and hours employees have worked in a month for an organization. So attendance is the primary factor for calculating payroll apart from that other element includes leaves, overtime, holidays, statutory compliances, etc
Payroll in leysha can be processed by simply clicking on the ‘process payroll button’. After that, Select employee manually or process payroll for all the employees at the same time by automating it.

How will I know that on field employee has punched attendance from where he is supposed to do so? He might have marked his attendance from his home.

While punching attendance from leysha mobile app, location can be tracked and complete movement of employees for the whole day can be monitored.
As soon as an employee punches his attendance with leysha mobile app, his location tracking is activated. Reporting manager or admin can view his live location as well as back track for any historical date or time. These reports can also be exported in excel sheet.

What kind of Attendance reports i can view and export from leysha

Daily attendance report, Date wise attendance report and date wise summary report can be filtered and exported from leysha mobile app.
In daily attendance report one can view details like name of employee, employee code, punch-in time, punch-out time, net hours worked, punch-in and punch-out summary. Report can be filtered with date. Report can be exported in excel sheet.
In a date wise attendance report, one can view the report of a particular employee for a selected date slab. Details like name of employee, employee code, punch-in time, punch-out time, net hours worked, punch-in and punch-out summary can be viewed.
In a date wise summary attendance report, we can select a date slab for exporting attendance details of all the employees in a company or for a particular location.

What are different modes of attendance I can use in leysha for employees in different departments having different types of work profile.

Leysha Attendance with Web App- If someone from Accounts or back office department wants to punch attendance they can use Leysha web app as they have a computer system assigned to them for work.
Leysha Attendance with Mobile App- Someone from the sales and marketing department those who travel frequently and visit client places can punch their attendance with Leysha Mobile App with their location tracked.
Leysha Attendance with Biometric Machine- Someone from the warehouse department, those who don’t have any computer system assigned, nor they don’t have to visit on-field can punch their attendance through a biometric machine integrated with Leysha Software.

We have deductions from salary on late coming and early living or not completing defined working hours in our company, can it be managed in leysha?

Yes, deductions on late coming and early living can be defined in leysha. There is an option of grace period also after which late coming can be counted. Number of late coming after which deduction should be applied can also be defined.
Some companies have flexible working hours. Time restriction is not there but defined working hours has to be completed. That can also be managed in leysha.
Example:- My office shift timings are from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. I have given 15 minutes as a grace period for late coming. 2 late comings are allowed and after that half day will be applied for that day. So if any employee punched his attendance after 10:15 am more than twice, on the third late coming automatically his half day will be applied.