How can I list my product or services in leysha for order booking?

From the left menu click on order. From the sub-menu select the product. Click on the add-new button. Fill required fields like Product name, Brand, Category name, Product type, Unit, SKU, Barcode, Discount offered, Price, Margin in percentage, Selling price, manage stock and applicable tax. Descriptions can be added for more clarity about the product. Save the form for adding products.

How is the order module useful for my business?

`Traditionally businesses are raising orders on the phone from their dealers / distributors or executives are noting it down with pen and paper. There are major chances of error. Also it does not give a good impression to your customers. When you take orders manually then you have to forward it to the dispatch department for further processing which is another hectic job. Apart from that if you have to check order status you have to call the concerned person and check. Customer calling you for a new order is good, but if he continuously calling you for order status then it’s a waste of time for both business and customer.

All these challenges can be met by shifting your Sales and order management to You can list your products category wise with images and prices. Product variants can also be added. Discount and taxes can be managed according to products. Businesses can also generate dealer/client login so that the client can themself punch order or sales person can punch order from their account by selecting client name. Partial payments can be managed and various reports can be exported as per need.

Can I edit the task

Yes, tasks can be edited. Click on the task from the left menu to get into the task section. In the task list you will find the edit icon in front of task name from where you can edit the task.

I have a project to be completed by a group of employees. How can I manage smooth completion with tracking of daily updates?

You can break a project into multiple tasks. These tasks can be created and assigned to different employees according to their knowledge and expertise. While creating a task you can tag it by name of Group/ project by adding it in a specific group. So a combination of tasks will make a project.

For checking updates you can use filters for selecting all the tasks in particular group/project and check individual updates.