With the help of tracking status you can check status of user i.e stop/moving, You can check GPS status, You can check battery status. These data will will help you monitor about whether employee is following all the rules related to tracking or not.
Yes, that is possible. You don’t have to pay for an ‘employee tracking’ feature for back office employees. If you have a limited number of on-field employees you can subscribe to ‘employee tracking’ feature for them and other features like HR, Payroll, and tasks can be subscribed for all the employees.
Yes, when you check backtrack for an employee you can also download the report in excel sheet for future reference.
Yes, employees can be filtered by their location while checking live tracking or back tracking.
a) Employee should give all the permissions that leysha app is asking for otherwise it will affect tracking results.
b) Keep GPS on.
c) Keep the internet on.
d) You can update status frequently.
a) Don’t remove app from background when your status is punched-in
b) Don’t put your mobile on battery saver mode.
Employees have to punch-in through their mobile app for marking their attendance by selecting the task of the day. Tracking will automatically start working when employees save their attendance for that particular date.
You can search up to 3 months old tracking data as a standard setting. If you have some customized requirements we can discuss and bring out the solution.
Yes, backtracking can be done for historical dates for which you want to check the travelled location of employees. You have to select the date and name of the employee. Complete route map will be displayed as a result of your query. You can also download the report.
Yes, leysha has a feature to display distance travelled by employees for that particular date. The distance calculated is not 100 percent accurate but that is a tentative distance travelled by an employee on that particular date.
Yes, employees can be tracked with their GPS off by cell tower location. Accuracy will be a bit low but you will get the location of the nearest cell tower. The Internet is necessary while punching in and out. If after that employee switches off the data or there is some network issue, tracking data is stored in a mobile device and when the next time the internet is connected all the data will automatically sync to the server and admin can check locations of an employee.