
Our AI Powered Assistant

HR Management software

Leysha !

Counter sales and support help desk chaos with Leysha.ai, our AI powered bot that has a high level of intelligence and automation built into it.

It’s a fully functional and integrated solution. No third party vendors to run to, no technical know how required, setup is a brisk and you will get a enterprise level self-service help desk functional in less than an hour. It would not only reduce the burden on your existing help desk, but it would also cut down on your expenses and make the help desk experience personalized and efficient with Leysha.

As per a Gartner report “By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship with the enterprise without interacting with a human.” Report LINK (https://www.gartner.com/imagesrv/summits/docs/na/customer-360/C360_2011_brochure_FINAL.pdf)

There are a number of reasons why this is bound to happen, Leysha brings all of the following benefits :
1. It significantly reduces response times.
2. It offers a huge cost advantage and is bound to cut costs by over 50%.
3. It’s available 24×7.
4. Since it utilizes AI / Machine Learning, it’s learning and improving all the time.
5. It does a lot more for your customer service than just answer questions and fetching information.
6. Leysha fully integrates with your workflow utilizing our web services.
7. Leysha is both customer facing as well as helps your own enterprise or business find the information that you want.
8. Highly scalable, as it’s cloud based and would scale up to meet your requirements.
9. It can be trained and programmed for handling specific and complex use cases.

Leysha utilizes advanced analytics to identify problems, recommend action items and automate workflows. See a very brief list of use cases here. Use Case 1:

It’s an easy, interactive and intuitive experience for everyone to get the information readily and complete critical tasks as well. This is one technological adaptation that would bring in a quick and measurable return on investment. It transforms your service desk into a self-driving operation that’s faster, efficient and cost effective.